Zoommtg throw error code 200 then click retry works

After clicking join, it tries to connect to the meeting but shows the error:

“something went wrong
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to process your request.
Error Code:200”

I click on retry and it reconnects and enters the meeting.

How can I prevent this annoying error from being thrown?

$(document).ready(function () {
    ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib("https://source.zoom.us/3.1.4/lib", "/av");

   let signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
        meetingNumber: '88318194146',
        sdkKey: 'SDK_KEY',
        sdkSecret: getSec(),
        role: 1,
        success: function (res) {

	function beginJoin(sign) {
		  leaveUrl:  '',
		  success: function () {
			console.log("signature", sign);

			  userName: '',
			  signature: sign,
			  sdkKey: 'SDK_KEY',
			  userEmail: '',
			  passWord: '',
                zak: 'ZAK_TOKEN',
			  success: function (res) {
				console.log("join meeting success");
				console.log("get attendeelist");
				  success: function (res) {
					console.log("success getCurrentUser", res.result.currentUser);
			  error: function (res) {
		  error: function (res) {

		ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener("onUserJoin", function (data) {
		  console.log("inMeetingServiceListener onUserJoin", data);

		ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener("onUserLeave", function (data) {
		  console.log("inMeetingServiceListener onUserLeave", data);

		ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener("onUserIsInWaitingRoom", function (data) {
		  console.log("inMeetingServiceListener onUserIsInWaitingRoom", data);

		ZoomMtg.inMeetingServiceListener("onMeetingStatus", function (data) {
		  console.log("inMeetingServiceListener onMeetingStatus", data);

@ignacio.espinoza83 ,

is it possible that there is a race condition between generating signature, and then using the signature (which is still generating) to join a meeting?

It could be, but how could I solve it?

@ignacio.espinoza83 c

do you have a sample signature from the console.log?

function beginJoin(sign) {
	  leaveUrl:  '',
	  success: function () {
		console.log("signature", sign);

signature eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBLZXkiOiJ4RmVtekNkcXB3Z1JCZkk4MzFPSUd1ZjczOURBRDQ0Ykl1MWgiLCJzZGtLZXkiOiJ4RmVtekNkcXB3Z1JCZkk4MzFPSUd1ZjczOURBRDQ0Ykl1MWgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDcyNDA4MjksImV4cCI6MTcwNzI0ODAyOSwibW4iOiI4NTYxMDI0NTc2NiIsInJvbGUiOjF9.AieRDJntrxtA_nVKd3muCeMCe4uokEkWOvUUdfS0Vdg

After the error was thrown, I clicked on retry and entered the meeting.

@ignacio.espinoza83 ,

to prevent a race condition, I would run beginJoin(signature); within ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature success callback

I added it as you told me, but it keeps sending the same error

meetingNumber: ‘${meetingNumber}’,
sdkKey: ‘${apikey}’,
sdkSecret: getSec(),
role: ${role},
success: function (res) {

@ignacio.espinoza83 I’ll PM you for more specific troubleshooting

Updates to thread: This might possibly be caused by attempting to start meeting for an external user using Meeting SDK.

I have already verified that if it is correct, the user who is entering as host is the owner of the meeting.

I will send you the url with the connection data

wss: //zoomiad20624713978Rwg.iad.zoom.us/wc/api/83879037703? ISLCH = 1 & Ts = 1707931111690 & auth = gbanaklzbpfpcqaey3qblhi6f2lchcy4j4odhsfbrru & trackouth = ia_grlsz2 YQK6AUFSMMMWAYEVMAVGS-0ZBNAVKQKM5TE & MID = PDR198VSS9AQC6H9NJ31W%3D%3D & TID = V%3D2.0%3BCLID%3DUS06%3BRID%3DWEB_E672317A1EF8798 3 & zm- CID=052fc20d-d602-485d-9887-a9523096ce8a&lang=en&ZM_MTG_TRACK_ID=undefined&jscv=3.1.4&mpwd=802253&isCamera=1&rwcAuth=MTcwNzkzMTExMTkyNi7vBiPDZIBZ_ZjvKyCB7TuESr HnBfDI8UqwvL4eKS8Jg&as_type=2&email=juan.espinoza%40grupocanbat.com&cfs=0&clientCaps=10997370

@ignacio.espinoza83 the user who is entering as host (and owner of the meeting).
Is he / she part of the same account as the SDK?

the user is host and owner for the meeting, but is not part of the same account as the SDK

@ignacio.espinoza83 start meeeting for external account is not supported. I’m unsure why it works on retry, is there a different logic which does a join instead of start on retry?

Hi juan how do you generate signature? i am stuck.

Before it didn’t show an error, is it something from the new version?

no, I still have the same problem

I use javascript to generate the signature, this is my code:

let signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
meetingNumber: ‘${meetingNumber}’,
sdkKey: ‘${apikey}’,
sdkSecret: getSec(),
role: ${role},
success: function (res) {


Kindly help me here, i am getting “Already has other meetings in progress.”

Zoom Meeting Signature