We are counting on the Zoom WebSDK for serving live events on our website. Previously, when using version 1.9.9, when the ZoomMtg.join method ran, if the user’s passcode was incorrect or the meeting hadn’t started, it would give me those respective errors in the error callback. For v.2.0.1, no errors are being passed through the callback and Zoom is instead just showing the respective “Passcode Wrong” and “Meeting has not started” screens. For us though, we would like to leverage join errors by serving users our own custom UI for when the meeting hasn’t started or the passcode is incorrect. What happened to the error codes?
Browser Console Error
No errors. This is actually the problem
Which Web Meeting SDK version?
Meeting SDK Code Snippets
leaveUrl: meetingConfig.leaveUrl,
disablePreview: true,
videoDrag: false,
success: (success) => {
signature: signature,
meetingNumber: meetingConfig.meetingNumber,
userName: meetingConfig.userName,
apiKey: apiKey,
userEmail: meetingConfig.userEmail,
passWord: meetingConfig.passWord,
tk: meetingConfig.registrantToken,
success: (success) => {
error: (error) => {
// This is where we're expecting error codes to come when meeting hasn't started or passcode is wrong. Then below we would control state to serve separate UIs, but no errors are coming in the callback.
const { errorCode } = error;
// If meeting has not started
if (errorCode === 3008) handlers.setActivePlank("earlyEntry");
// If passcode is incorrect
if (errorCode === 3004) handlers.setActivePlank("enterPasscode");
error: (error) => {
To Reproduce(If applicable)
Just console.log errors using the standard implementation and you will see that errors don’t come for the cases described above.
Device (please complete the following information):
- Device: Macbook Pro
- OS: 11.6
- Browser: Chrome
- Browser Version: Version 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (x86_64)