
I used ZoomSDKDirecttShareHandler. alloc init.
but return null

User cannot alloc ZoomSDKDirectShareHandler by self, we will alloc and send to user through callback delegate ‘-(void)onDirectShareStatusReceived:(DirectShareStatus)status DirectShareReceived:(ZoomSDKDirectShareHandler*)handler’.

I want to input meeting number to share the screen directly Isn’t it call -(ZoomSDKError)inputMeetingNumber:(NSString*)meetingNumber I don’t know how to can to call Can you help me

You can set the property ‘isDirectShareDesktop’ to YES and ‘monitorID’ to what you want to share before start meeting.

I did not find “ isDirectShareDesktop” and “monitorID”,
Can you tell me which class

and how to set “monitorID”

i call inputMeetingNumber method and I’m in a meeting, but I can’t share the screen

Hi @597035146,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. What is the SDK version you are using? Are you getting any errors or do you have any screenshots that could show the issue you are facing? Please double-check whether you have disabled the sandbox in Xcode (Target -> Capabilities -> App Sandbox) , if you enabled the sandbox, it is possible to experience the issue you are facing.

Hope this helps. Thanks!

i created a new project and drag the SDK in it, when i disabled the App Sandbox,there will output much information like this. otherwise if i enabled the sanbox,the screen share was always failed.
I don’t know if there is a problem with the steps of configuring the SDK

when i close the sandbox, auth action always failed

Hi @597035146,

Thanks for the reply. Are you getting any error message or error codes from those interfaces? Is the following callback being triggered? callback:-(void)onDirectShareStatusReceived:(DirectShareStatus)status DirectShareReceived:(ZoomSDKDirectShareHandler*)handler;


i want use “ZoomSDKDirectShareHelper” to begin direct share, but it always failed。(code by swift ) ,can you help me.

Hi @597035146,

Thanks for the reply and the screenshot. We are able to identify an issue and we will fix this in the next release.
