One JWT app for Multiple Zoom accounts

We have multiple zoom accounts(with different email based on region), is it possible to have one JWT app for all this accounts to access information from all accounts? looks like need to create JWT app for each account, please guide

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As I understand, if all users are created under one account (organization), you can access all their data via account wide JWT app

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Hey @ramesh.depaiah,

@avtandil.kikabidze is correct! One JWT App Type for your company Zoom account which can access information for all of your users.


True, I’m able to get information on all users using one JWT app . thanks for your reply guys…

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:


What level of access does the developer of the app need to access all users? I’m trying to do this, but my app is only returning certain users within our organization. What permissions/role do I need to access all users across organization?

Hey @webdev_uja,

If I understand your question correctly, you will need to create an OAuth app, and have external Zoom users install it.


Hi Tommy,

We have event registration on our site. When a user registers for an event, we would like to automatically and passively register them through zoom so we can provide them with unique join_urls in a email receipt. I currently have that set up, but the last piece is that I am running into are “meeting does not exist” errors. We don’t want to have to send the user to Oauth and would rather it automatically be done through JWT. If I’m understanding the documentation correctly, this is only possible if our meetings are created under the same zoom account as the JWT auth app. Is this correct? Or can I somehow access other meetings within our account that were created by other users?


Hey @webdev_uja,

Thanks for describing your flow.

If the users are apart of your Zoom account, then you are able to make API requests for that meeting.

Can you provide steps to reproduce the meeting does not exist error?
