Mac SDK cannot share screen in electron。

Mac SDK cannot share screen in electron。

Which version?

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The onMeetingStatus function is not called because the meetingService Delegate callback is not invoked.

You can’t share without being in the meeting. Please refer to our demo code, do meeting action in the correct sequence.

I want to share on the electron screen like this
Click and enter the meeting number to share directly


@Derain_Yuan Thank you

like this

This is direct share feature, not share screen feature.

Please refer to api ‘- (ZoomSDKDirectShareHelper*)getDirectShareHelper’ and class ‘ZoomSDKDirectShareHelper’, ‘ZoomSDKDirectShareHandler’, call back delegate ‘ZoomSDKDirectShareHelperDelegate’ in ZoomSDKPremeetingService.h.

Electron SDK doesn’t have the demo code, you should write the js wrappper code by yourself.

Thank you for your patient answer @Derain_Yuan

Which API is invoked to invoke this window?


  • (ZoomSDKError)showScheduleEditMeetingWindow:(BOOL)show Window:(NSWindow**)window MeetingID:(long long)meetingUniqueID

Please refer to our api doc.

Thank you for your patient answer @Derain_Yuan

can you help me about ZoomSDKDirectShareHelperDelegate

Hi wangh,

What difficulties are you facing? The interface of the ZoomSDKDirectShareHelperDelegate can be found here:
