Share Screen not working in Electron 15.3.3

I am using Zoom WebSDK 2.3.5 in a electron app to show meetings in client view. After meeting is started if I click in share screen button than nothing happens.

  • Device: [e.g. Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1)]
  • OS: [e.g. macOS Monterey 12.1 ]

I am also taking user screen recording permission to access screens. If you can help me with the information how to pass User screen video stream to zoom SDK.

Hey @rtitvilasi ,

Thanks for bringing up this issue. For some history checkout these threads:

The fix is on our roadmap. :slight_smile: Please stay tuned here:


Hey @tommy . Thanks for the reply. I have checked these links. You said that desktop capturer dialog is in zoom roadmap for electron. Can you give me any rough estimate when can we have this feature because I can’t use Electron Websdk as I am using the WebSDK for my desktop app as well as my WebAPP.
It would be great if we get any date from your side that when this feature will be released.

Hey @rtitvilasi ,

We don’t have a date set in stone, but we are working to fit it in to one of our upcoming releases.


Ok @tommy , We will wait for that , till then do we have any hack to do it. Cause our product relies on this.


Hey @rtitvilasi ,

Apart from using the macOS or Windows SDK directly, there is no workaround.


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Hey @rtitvilasi ,

Screenshare within Electron is now supported in Client View version 2.9.5:
