403 Forbidden response. code: 2031. Zoom Phone has not been enabled for this account

Hi Folks, hope you are fine and doing well, i am facing one issue during hitting zoom phone api.
i have talked to support, they said my account is active, have licance, and zoom phone is enabled.
What i can do on zoom phoon smart embed.
i have sucessfully generated auth token from my api key and api secret.
can make call
can end call
can record a call
can send sms,
literally everything that is on ifram of zoom phone embedd.
what i want to achive?
get api response from zoom phone api.

what error i am getting?
403 Forbidden response. code: 2031. Zoom Phone has not been enabled for this account.
plz help… thanks and regards


Hi @biztekapps
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Can you please share with me what endpoint are you trying to call when getting the error “403 Forbidden”?

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