404 error when deleting cloud recordings

Hello there, we run a Powershell script to move to trash some cloud recordings.
Depending on conditions, we loop through users, loop through cloud recording files in a given date range, then we delete recording files.
The error is thrown on 5% of cloud recordings on the “delete list”

This is the error thrown by Powershell:

Remove-ZoomMeetingRecordingFile : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
At C:\Drive\School Drive\System Administration\Scripts\zoomBackup.ps1:153 char:17
+ ...             Remove-ZoomMeetingRecordingFile -MeetingId $item.meeting_ ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Remove-ZoomMeetingRecordingFile

App Type: JWT

We use PSZoom library, and this is the source code requesting deletion: Added Get-ZoomAccountRecordings, Remove-ZoomMeetingRecordings, Remove… · JosephMcEvoy/PSZoom@e31ec23 · GitHub

Hi @Dolphin65, for the meeting IDs / UUIDs experiencing these errors, are there any consistent trends? I have experienced that if a meeting is joined where cloud recording is enabled, there will be no recorded files available if hosts have their video and audio off; essentially - if there is no recorded data, there are no recorded files for that meeting.

Hello Mike,
offending recordings are present, it may be something wrong in the meeting id encoding, when deletions are attempted?

Can I privately send the list of the offending ids to debug?

Hey @Dolphin65,

Yes, please send them and additional details to developersupport@zoom.us so we can debug.
