500 error during Legacy App submission

Zoom Apps Configuration
Not really applicable here.

We are getting a 500 error when trying to submit an update to our Legacy Zoom App config. The way the edit was done was that there were two Collaborators. C1 added the URL to the Allow List. While C1 was still on the page, C2 navigated to the app config pages, went to the Submit tab, and tried to submit. He encountered a 500 error.


The error can be seen in two screenshots. There was an error message from the submit screen, and a screenhot showing the network tab. There is an Upload button on this form, but an error message, when I click “Create Topic” says I can’t embed media items in the post.
Here are Google Drive links to the two screenshots:
networkTab.png networkTab.png - Google Drive
submitScreen.png submitScreen.png - Google Drive

The error message on the submit screen reads: “An error was encountered when processing your request.”
The returned data from the api request to publish was:
code: 500,
status: 500,
error: “Internal Server Error”,
message: “An error was encountered when processing your request”,
timestamp: 1713468618305,
trackingId: “MP_55b5eeface064c88a78a9809a0e2aabd”
Additionally, adjacent to that were calls to /changes and /publishable-sync-status, with the following response data.
changes endpoint:
{“scopes”:{“added”:[ ],“removed”:[ ],“totalSubscriptions”:1292}
publishable-sync-status endpoint:

Troubleshooting Routes
Initially both Collaborator1 and Collaborator2 were logged in and accessing the app config pages simultaneously. C1 had made the changes, then C2 tried to submit.
Next, C1 signed out, and C2 tried to submit again.
Then C2 deleted the added url in the Allow List (essentially undoing the most recent change), signed out, signed back in, added the url to the Allow List, and tried to submit again.

How To Reproduce

The first thing to try is just an edit to your app and submit.

The more specific thing to try is to have two users who are Collaborators on the same app. Have Collaborator 1 add a new url to the Allow List. Next, have Collaborator 2 attempt to submit the app.

** Updates **
On 4/19, we tried submitting again with the same 500 result.

We were now able to successfully submit. I do not know what changed. We followed the same process as the last couple tries: had only one contributor sign in, make the change, to the allow list of URLs, and submit the app.

I’m not sure how to close these posts or mark them as resolved.

Hello @aaron-steno there was an issue on our end that was resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, Kwaku