Ability for participants to mute Zoom app on their individual devices

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Inability for individual participants to mute the Zoom app (speaker and other participants) temporarily in order to listen to some other audio on their device without the Zoom audio on over it.

Describe the solution you’d like
Add a “mute Zoom” button which would temporarily mute everything on Zoom for that participant ONLY, this would mute them, mute the speaker (for their device,) and mute other participants for their device, allowing them to hear other audio on their devices.

Additional context
How often are you in a meeting where maybe someone referenced a video, and maybe you want to go and watch that video clip, or maybe you want to take a short break from the app without actually leaving the meeting and then come back 5 minutes later, it would be GREAT to be able to mute the app, allowing you to listen to something else on your computer or other device without also having to hear the Zoom speaker talking in the background. I sit in a lot of training sessions where the trainer might give us time to work on something, but they’ll play really obnoxious music in the background, I can’t turn off that music unless I leave the meeting or completely mute my device, meaning I can’t use my audio at all. We need to be able to mute the app.