About line breaks in Closed Captioning API

According to the document above, it seems that you can use a newline code in the text sent to the closed caption,
When I actually tried it, the line breaks did not occur.
Is there something wrong with the following methods?

・ Request from postman

・ Display result on zoom meeting


Thank you for posting. You are correct in that you can use a newline code in the text sent to the closed caption. Have you tried to send the request with the space between the word and /n removed?

Thank you for your reply.
As you pointed out, even if you try deleting the half-width space, the line breaks still do not occur.


Thanks for the update – that looks like a bug! The next best step would be to open a support ticket .

Thank you for your answer.
The question will change a little, but it is possible to make a sound when the dialog in the red frame below that is displayed when the host allows guests to enter the meeting at the meeting using the Meeting SDK is displayed. Is not it?

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