Access raw data with Meeting SDK requires the host to be licensed?

Does accessing raw data with Meeting SDK requires the host to be licensed?

@jon.zoom @nikskhubani
Continuing the discussion from Meeting SDK vs Video SDK for raw data access:

I am confused because the doc here says the meeting host is licensed and has an account level above Pro.

Here is a quote from the article:
Before you start

To work with raw data in Meeting SDK for Windows, you must have:

  • Meeting SDK for Windows version 5.9.0 or higher
    • Raw streaming by meeting host: Meeting SDK for Windows version 5.11.0 or higher
    • Raw streaming by non-host participant: Meeting SDK for Windows version 5.12.8 or higher
    • To request local recording permission from host: Meeting SDK for Windows version 5.13.5 or higher
  • Local recording permission for the current user, or raw live streaming permission for the current user
  • The meeting host has a Pro, Business, Education, or Enterprise account
  • The meeting host is licensed

@elisa.zoom Could you please help here?

Currently (at the point of writing this post) if you use a free account, you will not be able to use local recording permission token to join and access raw data.

If the Meeting SDK joins a meeting, and is given host, co-host or “allow to record local files” permission, it will have access to raw data in the meeting.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom Thank you very much for reaching out.

In your screenshot, it says “OAuth app requests one of the two scopes”. From my perspective, it is an “or” rather than “and” in terms of the app installed by the accout level or the user level. Having no requirements for being licensed.


This is the info that make me confused.

The screenshot is used to refer to “local_recording” token.

They key highlight here is that this “local_recording” token does not work at the point of this post for free account.

Nevertheless you do not need a “local_recording” token for Meeting SDK to access raw data.

The purpose of a “local_recording” token, allows Meeting SDK to join and access raw data without needing a person to manually promote it to host/co-host or allow to record local files.

Let me try to elaborate and paraphrase.

To access raw data you need either one of these

  • Host
  • Co-Host
  • Allow to Record Local Files
  • Local Recording Token (which allows joining and recording without either of the 3 conditions above)

Local recording token is retrieved by OAuth App. Either the admin or user can give permission to your application to access this token. But… this does not currently work for free account.

Can you use Meeting SDK to access raw data on free account nonetheless?

Yes, if you have either one of these permissions, you can.

  • Host
  • Co-Host
  • Allow to Record Local Files

Thank you for your time and assistance. :sunflower:

From my understanding, to use the Meeting SDK in the Zoom app for recording purposes, the user must be a meeting host or co-host to have permission to record and access raw data. Without host or co-host privileges, the user will not be able to obtain permission to record with the Zoom app.

Does this align with your reply?

Hi Cindy,

Thats right.

To use Meeting SDK for recording purposes, it must be either given host, co-host or “allow to record local files” permission.

If the Meeting SDK has a valid Local Recording Token, it provides elevated permission to recording a meeting without needing the host to grant the 3 permissions mentioned above.

Actually months ago I did see that the local recording API doc says a Pro and above license is required. However, when check the doc now, this point is gone.

Your statement makes sense to me but does not align with the local recording API doc. Is there anything wrong with the doc? ,

In the past, you will need a raw data access license to access raw audio and data stream.

This raw data access license is no longer needed today, that’s probably why you don’t see it in our documentation anymore.

Even without a recording token, you can still access raw data, the sequence of programming flow will be different

The recording token restrictions on free account might change in future sdk version releases, do check out the changelog periodically