accounts/{accountId}/plans/usage returns 400 error

When I use the API “accounts/{accountId}/plans/usage” to get the full plans usage for the tenant, I get the following error.

  • note: Yesterday I ran this API and didn’t encounter any errors

400 - {“code”:-1,“message”:“Cannot invoke "com.saasbee.webapp.domain.BillingServiceCode.getOldPlanCode()" because "serviceCode" is null”}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

hi @Dev_Torii
Sorry for the late reply here!
Are you still getting this error?

Hi @elisa.zoom . Yes, still happens

I will send you a private message to follow up on this issue

Also seeing this error. What was the fix?

The issue not fixed yet.

Is there any update on the 400 error?
I also keep getting repeated errors for the /accounts/me/plans/usage endpoint.

Hi @AlanSmith
Sorry for the late update here, I was out on leave.
I will go ahead and send you a private message for more information