Active Speaker Video Not Updating when speaker changes


Active Speaker Video Not Updating when speaker changes it freezes with the previous speaker last visible frame and refreshes when the same speaker starts to speak again.

Let me know if there is any change in code

func initActiveVideoUserView() {
        if (_activeUserVideo == nil) {
            _activeUserVideo = ZoomSDKActiveVideoElement.init(frame: viewSpeakerVideo.frame)
            let videoContainer = ZoomSDK.shared().getMeetingService().getVideoContainer()
            _ = _activeUserVideo?.resize(NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: viewSpeakerVideo.frame.width, height: viewSpeakerVideo.frame.height))

Hi @niravd, thanks for the post.

Sorry to hear you’re running into issues with speaker view through custom UI. Can you please let me know which version of the SDK you are using and provide a video of the behavior you are seeing so that we can investigate this further?


Hi this is the SDK version v5.5.12511.0420

Attaching is the video of the behaviour

Kindly let me know the suitable solutions.


Hi @niravd,

I noticed that there were other video views present next to the active speaker view. It is possible that there is a bandwidth limit being hit, which only takes effect when the active speaker view attempts to change subscriptions. To confirm that this is what’s happening for you, can you check whether or not removing the individual videos changes the behavior you’ve observed at all? So to test, you would only have the active speaker element visible.


Hi @jon.zoom thank you for your response, in video 00:00 to 00:41 only Active Speaker Views Video Is ON remaining video views next to active speaker view their videos are OFF.

The freeze of the Active Speaker View starts at 00:25.

Does this clarify the test scenario you mentioned above?
Request you to let me know if I am missing anything here from the above mentioned test scenario or want me to run any other test.

Nirav Desai

Hi @niravd,

Thanks for the additional context. For the behavior I am describing, you would need to test without any other active video subscriptions (i.e. the only other video element that could be present is your local video preview). Let me know if you are able to reproduce under these circumstances so that we can continue investigating.


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