"onActiveVideoUserChanged" returns previous user to that expects (macOS SDK)


On latest macOS SDK I have noticed that the “onActiveVideoUserChanged:” delegate call is consistently accompanying the user who’s is ceasing to be the active video user, rather than the user who is the new active video user.

I think this is a bug - I believe it was correct previously so has occurred in the update to the latest SDK



Hi @richard1, thanks for the post.

Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. I do recall this being an issue in the past, so it is possible that this is a regression. We will investigate this and let you know as soon as we have an update.


Checking in on this one. Any news over the past month on if the issue has been identified or if there is a timeline for a fix?


Hi @liminal_andy, thanks for following up on this.

I have not heard any updates from the engineer working on this, so I will follow up and see if we are on track to get this fix added to the next SDK release. Once I have any additional information I’ll be sure to post here.


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