Acuity and Zoom integration

Can Acuity’s %LOCATION% merge tag pull a webinar ID vs a meeting ID? When an appointment is created in Acuity and Zoom intergration is enabled, a Zoom link is generated which can be accessed by %LOCATION%. But how do you force it to generate a webinar link instead?

Hi @dyan
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
Are you referring to this app here:

hi Elisa, yes that app.

Hi Elisa,

Yes that app. I wasn’t sure if there was a webhook for webinars also. For the meantime, the only solution is to hardcode the webinar Zoom link into the Acuity side because there doesn’t seem to be a way to integrate the webinar links.

Hi @dyan
Thanks for the clarification
It looks like the Acuity app only supports meetings.
Unfortunately, we are not the developers for that app so I would suggest you reach out to them to suggest the addition of webinars or any feature requests
