I totally need this feature. I have several recurring meetings every week and I have to look for each url every time. I use zoom on Linux, so clicking on the url, or installing the zoom bookmark extension for chrome doesn’t work for me.
Thanks, this workaround is very useful. I hope that they implement the bookmark feature anyways
This should’ve been an obvious feature from the very beginning.
Thanks for pointing this out! Helpful tip.
still in need of this feature
This actually exists, but it’s taken me forever to find it.
When you open the Zoom app, click the “Join” button. Once there, where it asks for Meeting ID, choose the (very easy to miss) pull down list arrow to the right. Previous meeting IDs you’ve used appear there.
That’s a big help already, thanks! But it would be even better if Zoom had a function to just store this recurring meeting, and have it remind you about it and do a ‘one-click-login’ via the reminder…
Quite hard to believe that after such a long time there still is no comfortable “bookmarks” feature in the Zoom client, nor anybody from an official side has commented on it.
Not on the Chrome o/s anymore. I need the favorites.
Zoom: come on. Please get this capability. Many of us use Zoom as our company video conferencing solution and we need a better solution if we are going to keep doing so. We need to be able to create meetings that others can see in their zoom application so we don’t have to use the browser bookmark junk or constantly have to open the meeting invite or dig through email to find the meeting link. Please please get this taken care of.
I am still coming to this thread, hoping for this function. Bump.
yes, please!! this feature is a MUST. I have so many recurring meetings that it would save me so much time not needing to look it up.
And with this the ability to save any meetings people send me in advance so that on the day i can one-click into the meeting. thank you!!
+1 please add yesterday
Another benefit to being able to save recurring meetings, is to be able to quickly and easily change which device you are joining the meeting with and quickly in case of technological difficulties with one device. Instead of taking 5-10 minutes getting reset up, it could take a matter of 1-2 minutes–which matters GREATLY if you are in a class.
+1000. is there at least some acknowledgement this request exists from developers?
This would be so useful
How has this been ignored for so long? As it stands, in order to join a recurring meeting I have to hunt down an old text message containing the meeting invitation link. As time goes on that message falls further into history. I guess I could same the link in another app, but why can’t I just save the meeting in the Zoom app?
How come this basic bookmarks feature has been ignored for so long ! So much time lost to find the URL of a recurring meeting, opening a tab in my browser to tell the opened zoom app to start the meeting… Please, it seems such a basic feature to add !
This would be a beneficial feature!