Android sdk integration

passing all the params but still getting error:

[Failed to initialize zoom SDK Error: 1 internalErrorCode=0]

ZoomSDKInitParams initParams = new ZoomSDKInitParams();
initParams.jwtToken = SDK_JWTTOKEN;
initParams.enableLog = true;
initParams.appKey = SDK_KEY;
initParams.appSecret = SDK_SECRET;
initParams.enableGenerateDump =true;
initParams.logSize = 50;
initParams.videoRawDataMemoryMode = ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryMode.ZoomSDKRawDataMemoryModeStack;
mZoomSDK.initialize(context, this, initParams);

Hi @cerebry,

Thanks for the post. Based on the error code, it seems like the JWT token is invalid. Could you share the payload you are using in the JWT token(without the AppKey)?
