Any way to retrieve meeting chat logs?

Is it possible to retrieve the chat messages that occured in a scheduled meeting that was created via the API. If so, then what API or steps do I need to take?

Thank you!

Hey @edwinthinks,

Currently we do not have an API endpoint to retrieve in meeting chat.

Here is how to save / get in meeting chat via the Zoom Web Portal:


Hey Tommy

Thanks for the timely response :). I was wondering if it is possible (I could not tell in the documentation) to prevent users from saving the chat logs on their own but still automatically record the chat messages in the cloud?

P.S - I realize this is a different question so I can ask in another thread or through another channel if thats better

Edwin M. Mak

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Hey @edwinthinks, happy to help :slight_smile:

This is possible, just not with our API.

In your Zoom Profile and Account settings you can prevent participants from saving the in meeting chat.


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Hi tommy, is this something available now? I see GET IM Chat Sessions, will this retrieve the In-Meeting chat messages?

Hey @Krishna_Pathangi,

The Chat endpoints are for Zoom Chat (not in meeting chat).

However, you can get in meeting chat now via GET Meetings Recordings endpoint or the Recording Completed webhook:

Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 7.59.06 PM


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Thank you. This helps.

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:


Hey tommy, thanks for the great information. What is the logic behind the auto saving? Is there a way to increase how often it autosaves? Thanks!

Hi tommy

I have tried this API but it doesn’t seem to be working

Hey @scholtenotto, happy to help! :slight_smile:

Can you clarify what you mean by auto saving?


Hey @mitz.mulgaonkar,

Please provide more details about your issue, like your request url and response, and steps to reproduce.


Hey, it was regarding your comment earlier. You said can enable auto saving of your meeting chat. Is it possible to increase how often it auto saves your chat? I think now its once every minute. Thanks!

Hey @scholtenotto,

Here is info about saving in meeting chat:

For further questions regarding the Zoom Product itself, you can reach out to :slight_smile:


Hi tommy
I need your help, i wanted to ask that can i see the chats or restore them or view them again after the lecture was over it was a chat sent on private chat by ajy chance can u help me its a serious issue

Hi @varunboratr, this chat data is only recoverable via API if Cloud Recording was available on the meeting.

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