API for Summary of Meeting transcript

Is there any API available that can share a summary of Transcript using some AI technologies on similar lines to Zoom’s new AI features help you catch up on meetings you’re late to - The Verge

Hi @ayush.goel
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Unfortunately, we do not have an endpoint that allows you to get the summary of a meeting.

Hi @elisa.zoom ,

Thanks for the info. Is there a timeline on this? These are exciting new features, but there’s no way to access them for automations…


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Thanks for reaching out @DarthGideon
We do not have a specific timeline on this, but make sure to follow our Changelog to stay up to date on new features and releases

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Super! thanks for sharing this.

Has this feature request been formally submitted? I’d like to take this as far as possible right now to get this on the radar.

My stance may or may not be unique. I can wait some reasonable amount of time for this feature to hit the API but if it’s not even on the horizon of priorities then I’d probably shift to an alternative solution. At least in the meantime.

Thanks again @elisa.zoom

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