API: to get a user availability based on a date and time

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Enhancement - it will be good if you can support a API endpoint to query the available host based on date and time. Now we are using a workaround which is to fetch all host and loop through the host array to check if they are available based on the date/time we send. It will incur unnecessary API call and will lead to API rate limit issue when we send the request in parallel. We follow your recommended approach and implement a retry mechanism with a wait. But this is a very painful and inefficient way.

The full error message or issue you are running into.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
API endpoint

Which Endpoint/s?
List user - https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/methods#operation/users
Get meetings - Zoom Meeting API

Additional context
This is important for meeting scheduling automation workflow.

HI @eehcnoow

I see how this can be helpful and valuable for our Developers!
I will go ahead and move this post to the proper category of Feature request so this post will get to the appropriate team.


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