Api to retrive PMI Meetings information, users accessed and meeting details

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API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

  • /v2/meetings/{PMI}/recordings "This is the only api that is working for PMI, it retrieve the Recordings "
  • /v2/meetings/{PMI}/recordings/analytics_summary “Does not retrieve nothing”
  • /v2/metrics/meetings/{PMI} “Retrieve Meeting does not exists: {
    “code”: 3001,
    “message”: “Meeting does not exist: RFLJE0caR7iqjLurL4F5mQ==.”

Hi we are looking for and API that retrieve the information about the PMI meetings, the users that access to this PMI meetings, the statistics of that meetings and the recordings.

Checking through the normal Meeting Apis, there is only 1 API that is retrieving properly the info of the PMI meetings that is the api to get the recordings. All the other apis to retrieve more specific information like details about the meeting, statistics and users that have been accesed to the PMI meeting are not working, for example the api to get the statistics retrieve MeetingId does no exists :

Api: /v2/metrics/meetings/{PMI}

“Retrieve Meeting does not exists: {
“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: RFLJE0caR7iqjLurL4F5mQ==.”

But that PMI number is the same that were used in the api that successfully retrieve the recordings, for example:

Api: /v2/meetings/{PMI}/recordings


“uuid”: “RFLJE0caR7iqjLurL4F5mQ==”,
“id”: 7452758343,
“account_id”: “2GZ9-gk2QxWul0ASeOhJBg”,
“host_id”: “dEF_sH0CRcOGkmNlM2fUZw”,
“topic”: “Sala de reuniones personales de Xxxxx Yyyyyy”,
“type”: 4,
“start_time”: “2024-01-12T19:15:19Z”,
“timezone”: “America/Santiago”,
“host_email”: “xxxxx@xxxxx”,
“duration”: 11,
“total_size”: 25921946,
“recording_count”: 2,
“share_url”: “xxxx.cl.zoom.us/rec/share/JYT487GlXlEyesaEnSCdooAVswXnPIjNL905BmCLzuLXD5KDRaZe4I9bQJd0dozz.rMtj_eBjqgcjFGH4”,
“recording_files”: [
“id”: “409875b5-3808-43a7-8deb-2b069e15a4ff”,
“meeting_id”: “RFLJE0caR7iqjLurL4F5mQ==”,
“recording_start”: “2024-01-12T19:15:19Z”,
“recording_end”: “2024-01-12T19:26:52Z”,
“file_type”: “MP4”,
“file_extension”: “MP4”,
“file_size”: 25921720,
“play_url”: “xxxxxx/rec/play/wiIw8XBkGUtuHq8HXBIQsqepQjk1IyBVrIA5TZxbqDX1i6EoQ-bAsyFmtiuBG0ClSP5_VNFEyOkbT24.1rXy3npKjGVzGvpD”,
“download_url”: “xxxxxx/rec/download/wiIw8XBkGUtuHq8HXBIQsqepQjk1IyBVrIA5TZxbqDX1i6EoQ-bAsyFmtiuBG0ClSP5_VNFEyOkbT24.1rXy3npKjGVzGvpD”,
“status”: “completed”,
“recording_type”: “shared_screen_with_speaker_view”

And when we try to retrieve the information using the meeting id retrieved in the above response, it throws that the meeting does not exists:

Api call: /v2/meetings/7452758343/recordings


“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: RFLJE0caR7iqjLurL4F5mQ==.”

There is any sugestion to get the information of the PMI meetings and users that access to those meetings ?, any PMI api or method that we can use?