Get recording api

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I am trying to fetch recording from cloud for meeting created by Personal meeting id.
While creating meeting i have got id in response, which i have used for fetching recording using ā€œmeetings/{meetingId}/recordingsā€ api. Everything working fine if i set ā€œuse_pmiā€ value false while creating meeting. But if I set ā€œuse_pmiā€ true while creating meeting, everything working fine except I am getting success:false in recording api response.

I dont get error message, but i am getting success:false in recording api

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

Hi @shreyasv ,

Thanks for your inquiry! What exactly do you see in the response body when you fetch a meeting with "use_pmi": true from meetings/{meetingId}/recordings?

Thank you!


I am getting following error message.
Client error: GET resulted in a 404 Not Found response:\n
{ā€œcodeā€:3301,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œThis recording does not exist.ā€}

But i have checked in my zoom account, recording is there.

I have created meeting with below request

$path = ā€˜users/me/meetingsā€™;

  $url = $this->retrieveZoomUrl();

  $body = [

     'headers' => [

        'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->jwt,

        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

        'Accept' => 'application/json',


     'body' => json_encode([

        'topic' => $this->topic,

        'type' => $this->type,

        'start_time' => $this->start_time,

        'duration' => $this->duration,

        'agenda' => $this->agenda,

        'timezone' => $this->timezone,

        'settings' => [

           'use_pmi' => true,

           'host_video' => $this->host_video,

           'participant_video' => $this->participant_video,

           'waiting_room' => $this->waiting_room,

           'auto_recording' => 'cloud',






This is an update for my previous query.
I am getting meeting details for api 'meetings/{meeting_id} with id i have got in response while creating meeting.

But if i have used same id for fetching recording, i am getting following message
{ā€œcodeā€:3301,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œThis recording does not exist.ā€}

Hi @shreyasv

I think this is the same issue you had in the other post.

Have you had any luck with those recommendations we gave you??


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