App submission required when updating our app's URLs?

Hey Zoom Apps team,

We’re currently in the process of migrating a lot of our infrastructure to be hosted on new domains.

For our Zoom app, this means we will be updating our Home URL and Redirect URL for OAuth (and so, also the OAuth allow list and Domain allow list) for both Development and Production.

It seems that we can easily update the OAuth allow list and Domain allow list without re-submitting for review, and this will be applied in real-time.

We’re wondering:

  1. Do we need to re-submit the app for approval when updating the URLs above, or can we just update it?
  2. In either case, when would this change actually be applied?

twine (twine for Zoom)

Hey @om7 (sorry for the delay on this, and for the flagging on your posts)

Short answer is yes - but it won’t be very involved. You will need to resubmit the application in order update any of the live information in the listing. When resubmitting this process should be a quick review, particularly if there are no changes to app scopes. The changes would be applied when the app update is approved which can be coordinated with the reviewer in the review notes.

No problems, thanks @michael.zoom :smiley: