I’m currently in the process of implementing a meetings app using zoom API. The app has some requirements, including:
- End users should not need to register in Zoom in order for them creating and joining meetings
- We may create both a web app and a native(ionic) app and the two of them should work together
- A backend server may be coded, if necessary.
I’ve been reading the docs and I have extracted the following conclusions. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
- Web SDK needs an JWT app in order to work
- JWT apps do not require end users to be registered on zoom
- Ionic Apps need SDK access
- Ionic apps do need the users to create and join meetings except if using ZAK, with ZAK no registration is needed.
Assuming everything I’ve stated so far is true. I now have the following questions.
Are JWT and SDK apps interoperable?. That is, can I create a meeting in my web-app and join it using a native SDK?
1.1. If they aren’t could I actually use web SDK on an ionic (mobile) application given it’s a web browser at the end of the day? -
Does any end-user need to have a Zoom account in any point of the described process?
Regards and thanks for your time