Application not found It may have been deleted or you don’t have permission to view it right now. Please help me

Hello, I am a student attending a university in Korea.
We need Zoom API for our graduation work service, so we are trying to register OAuth type APP.

However, I am currently not registered on the marketplace, so I am the only one who can test it, not another team member.

After searching Google, I found that many users left these questions, and the answers had to be distributed on the marketplace for external users to use.

Therefore, I encountered difficulties while changing the settings of the APP and filling in the items required for registration to register on the marketplace.

We can’t populate the Links section, one of APP’s information, with items like Privacy Policy URLs. We’ve never created these URLs. We also do domain verification for Submit for review items, but our service doesn’t have a domain yet.

Please help me I’m just a college student who is still a beginner in programming.
We must implement a video chat service for mentoring.
I desperately need help from ZOOM. Please help me.

Zoom is the best

Hello @rm6208 if you are just creating an App you can create one without having to go through our process to publish it, but if you want to publish it you need everything ready please review the steps here to have your app ready for publishing Publishing apps

Regards, Kwaku

Hello, we’ve completed the architecture diagram and feature summary for our team’s project, but we haven’t been able to do domain validation and create URLs related to personal information. Please advise on how to handle this. It wasn’t anticipated that we would need to consider these aspects, as our project is intended for use in a university graduation project, not for commercial purposes. Additionally, once domain validation is completed, will external team members be able to use this API, not just me? Thank you.

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