Are meeting & webinar poll id's unique?

Can a meeting poll ID and a webinar poll ID ever be the same? I looked at the documentation thoroughly but couldn’t find the answer. It appears the id’s themselves are structurally identical (both API docs even use the same example, “QalIoKWLTJehBJ8e1xRrbQ”.

Also when looking at both the REST API and graphql schemas, it seems the overall functionality and schema of both meeting/webinar polls are identical unless I’m missing something.

So I would guess that the poll ID’s are universally unique between webinars/meetings, but want to make sure since I’m building an external database that will have a large number of polls in it.

I’m hoping to store the meeting and poll ID’s in one “pollingId” field where either meeting or webinar pollingId’s could be stored for simplicity/normalization (but wasn’t sure if I can make that assumption). Then I was going to store the meetingId or webinarID along with it, but have separate columns for those (meetingId column and webinarID column).

Bonus points if anyone knows if meeting and webinar UUID’s work the same way; from what I can tell, they are generated separately and you could have a webinar uuid and meeting uuid be the same is my guess. Not sure though.

Thank you!

Hi @matthew5
Thanks for reaching out to us and sorry for the late reply here!
Yes, they should be unique but the structure for both meeting and webinar poll IDs should be the same., but they are unique, so a webinar uuid will be unique and you won’t see the same uuid for a meeting

Great, thank you @elisa.zoom ! Does the same apply to webinar and meeting instance UUID’s (not for polls, the actual webinar/meeting instance ID)?

The practical side of this is trying to simplify our app’s business logic in various ways instead of having to determine whether the entity in question is a webinar or meeting.

@elisa.zoom sorry to bug you, but any idea where I can find out if the same uniqueness applies across both webinar and meeting instance uuids?

Sorry for the late reply here @matthew5 !
Yes, the same rules apply to webinars

No worries, but I think I miscommunicated my question-- I was trying to ask if when you GET meeting / webinar details for a particular meeting or webinar instance (separate from polls), can those instance uuid’s ever be the same?

From the meeting docs “Unique meeting ID. Each meeting instance generates its own meeting UUID - after a meeting ends, a new UUID is generated for the next instance of the meeting.”

From the webinar docs “Unique meeting ID. Each meeting instance generates its own meeting UUID - after a meeting ends, a new UUID is generated for the next instance of the meeting”

Are those two UUID’s unique from each other, as in one system generates all instance ID’s whether it’s meeting or webinar, and therefore they can never overlap?

Hey @matthew5
I did not get a notification of your response.
So yes, all meeting UUIDs or webinar UUIDs are going to be unique and they can never overlap