Assistance Needed: Canceling Zoom Pro Account and Payment Reimbursement

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well. I need some assistance regarding my Zoom Pro account.

I recently discovered that I am still being charged annually for a Zoom Pro account linked to my former work email, which is no longer accessible since I left that job. Unfortunately, I am unable to access the account to cancel the subscription or update the email address.

Is there anyone here who has experience with resolving similar issues with Zoom accounts? I would greatly appreciate any guidance on how to proceed with canceling the account and discontinuing the payments.

Additionally, I’m also interested in knowing if there’s a possibility to be reimbursed for the most recent payment considering I no longer have access to the services provided.

Any help or advice would be highly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Thank you!

@fflore1 ,

I would recommend you to raise a billing support ticket, or ask your question over at this forum

This forum is for developers, SDK and API related matters.

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