Audio Device Not Found

When users join a Zoom meeting through the browser on an iPad device, the microphone is automatically disabled, and an error message stating “Device not found”. This issue occurs consistently for users accessing Zoom via chrome browser or any other browser on their iPads .

This issue does not occur when joining the same meeting via the Zoom desktop or mobile app on other devices.
We have tested multiple iPads running different versions of iOS with the same results.

Using zoom video SDK version : 1.10.8

Hey @vinayagoud

Thanks for your feedback.

Can you share how you are calling the stream.startAudio method? If possible, could you also provide the session IDs where the issue occurred?


Thanks for the reply, Vic.

Currently, we are encountering the error across all platforms, including the web. We are following the methods outlined in the Zoom sample, videosdk-web-sample

Here’s a snippet of our code:

import { Stream } from “@zoom/videosdk”;
export type MediaStream = typeof Stream;

const { mediaStream } = useContext(ZoomMediaContext);

// Performing some actions

For your reference, please find the session ID of one of the sessions where we faced the issue: K95ldvryQF6%252FURQDmI2ezw%253D%253D.

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