"Audio not joined by phone"

We ask for your help with the following Zoom Phone points:

Based on the documentation (Video SDK - web - Phone (PSTN)), we are implementing the indicated functions. The function to generate the call works well, we managed to establish audio communication.

The problem is in the function to hang up the call, it shows us the following error when using it:

“Audio not joined by phone”

It shows this error even though audio communication has been established.

Hey @ronny.gonzalez.dai

Thanks for your feedback.

stream.hangup() is used when the current user joins audio through a phone call. This can be achieved via the stream.inviteByPhone() method with the callMe option.

I assume you are inviting a new user to join the session. In this case, it is not applicable because the new phone user, once in the session, becomes an independent participant and is no longer controlled by the invited. The call would have to be hung up from the phone.


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