Authorization Callback Never Returns in C# wrapper

I have two setups for running the Zoom Client SDK. I’m trying to run the C# wrapper in a standalone console application, and C++ calls to the sdk_util class from an MVC project.

My console application:


        static void Main(string[] args)
            DebugLogService debugLogService = new DebugLogService();
            ZoomService zoomService = new ZoomService(debugLogService);

            zoomService.InitializationAsync("...", "...").Wait();

            zoomService.JoinMeetingAsync("User", Convert.ToUInt64(123456789), "Pass").Wait();

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to leave meeting");



        public async Task<bool> InitializationAsync(string appKey, string appSecret)
                var sdkInitialized = SdkInitialize();
                if (!sdkInitialized) return false;

                Initialized = await SdkAuthenticationAsync(appKey, appSecret);
            catch (Exception)
                Initialized = false;

            return Initialized;

        private bool SdkInitialize()
            InitParam param = new InitParam
                web_domain = "",
                config_opts = { optionalFeatures = 1 << 5 },   // Using Zoom Customized UI
                enable_log = true,
            SDKError error = CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.Initialize(param);

            _logService.Log($"ZOOM InitSDK request result: {error}");

            return error == SDKError.SDKERR_SUCCESS;

        private async Task<bool> SdkAuthenticationAsync(string appKey, string appSecret)

            AuthParam authParam = new AuthParam
                appKey = appKey,
                appSecret = appSecret

            SDKError error = CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetAuthServiceWrap().SDKAuth(authParam);

            _logService.Log($"ZOOM SDKAuth request result: {error}");

            if (error == SDKError.SDKERR_SUCCESS)
                _authTaskCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
                await _authTaskCompletion.Task;
                return true;

            return false;

        private void RegisterAuthenticationCallbacks()
        {      CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetAuthServiceWrap().Add_CB_onAuthenticationReturn(OnAuthenticationReturn);

        private void OnAuthenticationReturn(AuthResult result)
            _logService.Log($"ZOOM OnAuthenticationReturn callback AuthResult: {result}");

            _authTaskCompletion.SetResult(result == AuthResult.AUTHRET_SUCCESS);

Is there something else that I need to do to get this callback called? In hangs indefinitely.

Which Windows Client SDK version?
Assembly zoom_sdk_dotnet_wrap, Version=1.0.7575.37543

Hey @tyler,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

This may be due to the fact you are using MVC. Are you seeing the same thing in the C# wrapper demo?


No, only in MVC. Is there something in the C# wrapper that only works in a WPF application?

Hey @tyler,

I am not sure as we do not guarantee support for MVC.


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