Authorization result unknown on upgrade

After upgrading to Windows SDK version, we are sporadically getting an AuthResult.Unknown when attempting to authorize the SDK immediately after the upgrade.

  • OS: Windows 11

We have ZDK logs that can be shared

@ZMUCW ,which version of SDK did you previously upgraded from?

In Zoom Meeting SDK 5.14.10 onwards, the SDK authentication requires you to sign your auth token using your SDK Key and SDK Secret

We are using the Key and Secret. We upgraded from Can I submit the SDK logs?

@ZMUCW , could you try to capture the log where this happen and provide a download link for this?

Sdk Dumps should contain dumps where this is occuring


  1. Does this keeps happening everytime, or is this intermittent?
  2. Are there additional error code from the SDK?
  3. Are you also using a proxy for the SDK auth?
  1. Does this keeps happening everytime, or is this intermittent?
    It is intermittent.
  2. Are there additional error code from the SDK?
    No other error codes
  3. Are you also using a proxy for the SDK auth?
    Not sure, we use the c# wrapper.

@ZMUCW , I don’t see much from the logs from a brief investigation.

I do see in the logs that there seems to be calls and malformed URL for authentication .
Are you behind a firewall or proxy by the way? I’m wondering if outgoing traffic is being filtered or blocked.

This only seems to occur on Windows 11 systems. Not sure if there a default firewall that could be causing it.

Another data point. It seams to happen if our application is killed rather than being properly shutdown.

One other point, we attempted with of the sdk and have the same issue.

On a fresh Windows 11 VM with Windows Defender Firewall entirely disabled the issue still appears sporadically. I have added a new log to the share folder.

With on the same PCs there is no issue. Did something change between 5.15 and 5.16 that could have caused this? We need to upgrade to at least 5.15.5 by May 4 base on your SDK minimum version policy. However, we were planning on upgrading to as high a version as possibly to avoid the needing to redo the work for the August 4 enforcement which is still TBA.

We can’t release 5.16 and higher to our customers until we figure out a resolution to this issue.

I’ll pm you for this @ZMUCW

hi @chunsiong.zoom @ZMUCW What was the resolution here ? I am also experiencing the same issue. Is this due to windows 11 OS ?

@cai.zoom this was suspected to be due to some firewall filtering. We did not managed to find the root cause as there was no captured SDK log when this happened.

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