Auto Connect To Audio

I want the audio to be automatically connected over VoIP when the user joins the meeting, but I’m not able to.


InMeetingAudioController controller;
controller = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService().getInMeetingAudioController();
if (!controller.isAudioConnected()){

This is inside the joinMeeting() method which is called when the user clicks on “Join” button. Everything is working normally but the audio is not being connected automatically and I’m getting the option to connect it.

Which Android Client SDK version?

To Reproduce
Put this code inside the joinMeeting() and hopefully it will reproduce.


  • Device: Pixel 4 XL (Android emulator)
  • OS: Android 11

Additional context
Probably it has an easy solution, but I’m not much experienced. So, sorry :confused:

Hi @soumoghosh37, thanks for the post.

If you try to perform in-meeting functionality immediately after attempting to join a meeting, it will fail since joining a meeting is an async operation. Please try calling this after receiving the onMeetingStatusChanged callback with a status of MeetingStatus.MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING.


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Hi @jon.zoom

Thanks for helping! I was able to solve from your reply and from this link!

My code:

        MeetingStatus status;
        status = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getMeetingService().getMeetingStatus();
        if (status == MeetingStatus.MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING){
            InMeetingAudioController controller;
            controller = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService().getInMeetingAudioController();
            if (!controller.isAudioConnected()){

Glad you were able to resolve this!

Please don’t hesitate to reach back out with any additional questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

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