Auto Selection the Audio and Camera Devices for the Host


We want to automize the meeting for the host computer in a way that the default audio and camera device will be selected by the Web SDK. Would you help us with how to do that?

Thank you

Hey @yagmur,

This is not currently supported on the Web SDK. Please feel free to add this as a feature request here: #feature-requests


Hey @tommy,

Thank you for the reply.

In this case, would you offer a workaround?
The closest solution seems to us that starting the meeting on the native browser without using Web SDK. But this process requires the account information on-fly. How we can manage to start the meeting by selecting the microphone and camera automatically in such a way?

Thank you

Hey @yagmur,

The only way to set the camera or mic by default is in your Zoom App settings:


Hey @tommy,

We need something similar to Web SDK since our development environment does not support any of Zoom client apps. I instead asking you how to join via browser without using Web SDK.

Thank you

Hey @yagmur,

You can also limit what audio options your users can join with:


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