Autostarting Meeting through depreciated protocol and options?

I collected 15 video conferencing systems based on zoom and faced with such a problem, this is bad, because they do not work at the automatic start, this is also not a reason for privacy, because there may be a password token in the url

Hey @zoom21,

What is your use case?

Meeting privacy, and user camera privacy are two different things.


We ended up using AutoHotkey and a quick script with timings and such to hit the hotkey to autostart the video once launched.

It works well, however if the computer is slower for a certain day, or something unexpected takes window focus it breaks…

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Hey @videowall,

Thanks for sharing your input here.

@zoom21 We also have Zoom Rooms for this purpose.


You have your own truth and you do not want to listen to users. YOU just had to add the parameter to URL and that’s it

And we, the users themselves, would decide whether we need a camera or not. And you do not give us a choice

Hey @zoom21,

Does that mean you got it working? If so please post the solution so others can benefit. :slight_smile:


I meant that you developers should add a parameter for url

Hey @zoom21,

We have already considered it, but due to user privacy, we don’t allow scripts to turn on users cameras.

May I ask your use case so I can help come up with a different solution?


Do this for users of this thread. Put here the corrected version in which it will work as we need. We will thank you. And no one else will find out about this, why should we come up with something if it should work like that. Add a parameter.

Hey @zoom21,

The functionality now is the intended, designed functionality.

May I ask your use case so I can help come up with a different solution, like Zoom Rooms.


We have connected zoom rooms. Refused, it is inconvenient to use. I understand you, you do not want to modify

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If you have additional questions, please let us know! :slight_smile:



I want to use zoommtg to directly start into a Webinar in the client without the need to enter the email adress and name. It works for the name with &uname= but how to send the email?


I tried uel={Base64 email adress} but that didn’t work…


Hey @klausneumannege, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

I am not sure if this is possible, however you could try uemail.


Thanks, Tommy. But that didn’t work for some reason. The name got through, the email didn’t. Any idea?

Here’s what I tried:


Hey @klausneumannege,

I am not sure, but will see if it is possible.


Hey @klausneumannege,

We are working to add documentation for all the params. Stay updated on our docs:



Hi tommy, I know this url scheme is for developer, but I found it useful to avoid opening browser and clicking popup menu for others in company.

So I tried to post this URL on Google Calendar, however, Google calendar rejects the url because it’s an invalid url.

Do you have an any idea to keep usual URL scheme to open zoom without browser and popup menu?

Hey @eyma22s.yu,

Unfortunately this is not possible, you have to go through the browser popup to open the Zoom App from a website.


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We want to skip the login zoom step and open up the conference room. Is that feasible?