Behavior of occurrence_ids in /webinar/register?

What is the data type for this - array of strings or single string delimited?

Assuming it registers the user for only the specified occurrences.

If not provided, is the user registered for all occurrences or just the first?

occurrence_ids would be a comma separated list of occurrence ids


it depends on registration_type when webinar created, 1 means Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences, 2 means Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend, 3 means Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend. For recurring meeting with fixed time only.

So for the given types, is the behavior…?

  1. occurrence_ids value is effectively ignored, user is automatically registered for all
  2. only registered for specified occurrences. if blank, not registered for any
  3. only registered for specified occurrences. if blank, not registered for any

(all for recurring webinar with fixed time)