Best practice for creating apps to interact with multiple Zoom APIs

Zoom Apps Configuration
Share the Zoom Apps configuration (e.x. React, Vanilla JS, Node.js) you’re working with to give relevant context.
Currently a single oauth server to server app that’s scoped to and is interacting with only the Meetings API.

Currently, our server is interacting with the Zoom Meeting API via a server to server oauth app. We are looking to add interaction with some Zoom Contact Center api end points, and are trying to decide if we should introduce a NEW App for this API interaction, or expand the scope/usage of our existing server to server app.


@a.lee Good question! In this case, you’ll want to create a new app so that you can select your app for use with Contact Center.

Let me know if that helps.

Can you provide an explanation as to why creating a new app is the best practice? Thanks!

Of course! The Contact Center scopes relevant to those APIs are not currently selectable when choosing a Server-To-Server app. For that reason, you will want to create a different app where you can select Contact Center as the use case.

I hope that helps!