How to Create multiple Zoom meetings simultaneously using oAuth (Automatic process)

How to Create multiple Zoom meetings simultaneously using oAuth

We have been using App type JWT where we get app id and app secret key. Using JWT app type we create multiple meeting with multiple user at same time based on scheduled Slots in our application.
We have created one end point to schedule meeting where we invoke zoom meeting end points to create meeting.

Our scheduler will call our customized end point to create the meeting. This is automatic processing.

Now App type JWT is going to deprecated. How can we create multiple meeting using oAuth instead JWT. Meeting should be automatically created when ever our scheduler will invoke the the customized apk where we put meeting creation logic.

Please help us to solve this issue.

Hi @sriniv
Thanks for reaching out to us, I am happy to help here!
As we are deprecating the JWT app type, we recommend developers to migrate to our Server to Server Oauth app type

The only thing that will change with this app type, will be the token generation.
The API call will remain the same.

Let me know if this helps!