Black screen shown when some users are screen sharing

When some users are screen sharing via the Zoom desktop client, users connected through the website via the Web Client SDK only see a black screen.

  • Device: Asus Zenbook laptop
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Brave

When accessing the meeting through the Zoom desktop client directly all users were able to see the host’s shared screen. When accessing the meeting through the website, no user could see the host’s shared screen and only saw a black screen instead. The host was using the Zoom desktop client for Windows.

After trying to change various screen sharing settings (including advanced ones like disabling hardware acceleration, enabling Legacy systems option, using TCP connection option) on the host’s Zoom client, the issue was not fixed. The laptop does have a dedicated Nvidia graphics card and the instructions suggested by Zoom here to force the Zoom client to use the integrated graphics were followed. It didn’t work.

Solution that worked
What eventually worked was lowering the screen resolution on the host’s system (in Windows) to 1920x1080 from the system default and recommended setting of 3400x1900 and then restarting Zoom. This is a laptop with a high resolution screen that also supports touch. My conclusion is that the Zoom web client SDK cannot handle very high resolutions or how they’re rescaled when screen sharing is used, while the Zoom desktop clients have no such problem.

I’m creating this new topic even though my problem was solved because there are many topics on this issue but they are all closed and I cannot reply to them. I thought someone might benefit from this information since it seems to be a recurring report across many SDK versions. Auto-closing topics seems like a bad policy because it prevents other people who come across the same problem from offering input and possible solutions.


Thank you for sharing this @Skello — I agree this will be very helpful for others and we will be happy to keep this up.

Hi Will, we’ve got customers complaining about this issue of black screens on web sdk clients when the host screen shares. Is this a bug the Zoom team is looking in to resolving?

Follow-up, we’ve tested the newest release (1.9.7) and it appears to have resolved this “black screen when screen sharing” issue in 1.9.6.

Awesome! I’m glad to hear that the latest version fixed your issues. I’ll go ahead and close this topic now but feel free to open a new topic if you encounter any further issues or questions.
