Black screen when using ZoomView with preview

I am utilizing the preview prop on the ZoomView and the preview is black after its first render.

I have a WaitingRoom component that renders a ZoomView with a preview. On the first render the preview works perfectly. However if I join a call and go back to the waiting room or exit the waiting room, when I return to the WaitingRoom the ZoomView is black. Is there some sort of cleanup that I need to do when leaving a ZoomView with a preview? None of the examples provided by Zoom have previews enabled.

Hey @majorly, are you using the latest version of the React Native SDK?

I tried to reproduce with v1.11.0 and don’t observe this behaviour. After obtaining a userId by joining a session, I’m able to toggle between rendering two videoViews with and without the preview prop.

Can you share steps to reproduce?

Hey @ekaansh.zoom I am using the preview prop prior to joining a session so I can verify that my camera works and allow the user to set themselves up for the call. When Im in a session the ZoomView works fine.

  1. Open a ZoomView using the preview prop outside of a session. (Do I need a userId when rendering a preview? Im not in a session and I only get the userId once Ive requested a token and joined a session.)
  style={{ flex: 1 }}
  1. Join a session.
  2. Leave a session.
  3. Open preview again

The ZoomView used for a preview is black, I need to hard refresh my app in order for this to be viewable again. There’s no docs on this use-case so Im not sure if Im using it correctly at all.

Hey @majorly, I see what you mean sorry about that.
I’m able to reproduce, let me get this checked and get back to you.

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