Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross origin frame in web sdk 2.10.1


I recently upgraded from zoom websdk version 2.5.0 to 2.10.1.
When I navigate to the page where I have integrated the web sdk, I get an error on my javascript console for cross-origin access in zoom-meeting-2.10.1.min.js.

instrument.ts:129 Zoom support you browser. Chrome/
instrument.ts:129 You browser support below features
instrument.ts:129 {"browserInfo":"Chrome/","browserName":"Chrome","browserVersion":"","features":["viewSharing","screenShare","computerVideo","computerAudio","callIn","callOut","chat","closedCaption","QA","POLLING","BREAKOUT","GALLERY"]}
instrument.ts:129 prepareJssdk change to prepareWebSDK, will drop prepareJssdk in 3.0.0
(anonymous) @ instrument.ts:129
b.ZP.prepareJssdk @ zoom-meeting-2.10.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ 31222:335
instrument.ts:129 To use gallery view on Chrome/Chromium browsers, SharedArrayBuffer is required.
  See for details:

instrument.ts:129 pre load wasm success:
instrument.ts:129 pre load wasm success:

helpers.ts:111 **Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "<MY_WEBSITE>" from accessing a cross-origin frame.**
**    at**

Although this does not seem to be causing any further issues, as in I’m able to join the meeting successfully.
Still it would be good to know what’s causing this and how can it be resolved.
This error was not present in version 2.5.0.
Could you please advise?


Hey @jaydeepk
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Let me take a closer look into this issue and do some debugging on my end.
Will come back to you with my findings soon.

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