BUG downloading cloud recordings with access token set results in an invalid response

In the meantime, I can think of two possible dirty workarounds:

  1. If we know the meeting/recording password, is it possible to add that as a URL param? e.g., http://zoomdownloadurl?password=fq4oijf!!ef
  2. If not, we can use the API to remove the password, download the video, and then re-add the password. Only problem with this is that we need to also request the scope “recordings:write”. You’re shit out of luck if you’ve already got users and they don’t have this scope.
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Here’s JS example code for workaround number 2. I’ve tested it and it works. But you need the scope “recording:write”

const axios = require('axios');

(async () => {
  try {
    const meetingUuid = YOUR_MEETING_ID;
    const meetingUuidEncoded = encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(meetingUuid));
    const jwt = OAUTH_JWT;

    // Get meeting password
    const meetingPassword = (await axios.get(`https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/${meetingUuidEncoded}/recordings/settings?access_token=${jwt}`)).data.password;

    // Remove meeting password
    await axios.patch(`https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/${meetingUuidEncoded}/recordings/settings?access_token=${jwt}`, { password: '' });

    // Download recording
    const recording = (await axios.get(DOWNLOAD_URL)).data;

    // Add meeting password back
    await axios.patch(`https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/${meetingUuidEncoded}/recordings/settings?access_token=${jwt}`, { password: meetingPassword });
  catch (err) {

So gross haha. Note that there may be other restrictions on your user’s meeting recordings, so you might have to patch more than just the password (e.g., expiry), but I’ve kept the example short for demonstration purposes.

Hey @james2,

In the release this weekend, you will now be able to download password protected cloud recordings with OAuth apps. :slight_smile:



That’s a big turnaround! Thanks for listening - glad Zoom upped the priority of this bug.

I’m interested to see that you still need the “recording.write” scope in order to download a password protected recording. That’s a bit odd, isn’t it, to need to “write” to the recording just to download? Funnily enough, it’s actually the same scope needed for my workaround above - is the new zoom update doing a similar thing under the hood?

I finally submitted our Zoom Marketplace Oauth app for my startup Videohop just yesterday, and had to include the “recording.write” scope for the workaround. Interesting to see that I will still need it even after the bug is fixed.

Thanks again for the quick communication, Tommy

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Really glad to see you are shipping this soon. One question:

Do we need all three of those scopes to be able to download or a least one of them?

Hey @zoom-test, @james2,

You just need one of those listed scopes. :slight_smile:

CC @michael_p.zoom can you update the docs to say one of these scopes.

Apologies again for the delays for this feature, but I am glad we were able to fit it in during our 90 day plan.


Has this been included in the documentation yet? Looking for an example.

I’m getting a Forbidden error when authenticating using the Bearer authentication header.

Hey @JoshSTL,

Can you try adding it just as a query param:




Thanks for the reply!

I tried this method using curl, wget and just putting the url directly into a browser address bar. All fail with various messages returned:


HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 401

Username/Password Authentication Failed.



I tried also including http authentication and a bearer token header, neither worked. The token is not expired as I can use it for other calls.

I am able to download the recording using the base URL in a browser session where the user has already authenticated using the web login on another page. But I’d like to be able to initiate the download from bash.

Hey @JoshSTL,

Can you please email all these details and the download url you are using to developersupport@zoom.us so we can further assist?


Hi dude, did you receive any update, about this? I have the same issue.

Ah I didn’t see Tommy’s update. @cruiz666 , thanks for bumping. I had moved on to other fires. I’ll get an email together when I can get that environment back up. @tommy , hopefully we’re just making a simple omission or something. Are you using the download url generated by the API call ( GET /meetings/{meetingId})?

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You’re welcome, and no, I’m using the urls that arrive in the recording.completed webhooks. Technically they are the same (I think). I have tried to download it by query string, and by bearer but I get answers similar to the ones you already mentioned:

{“Status”: false, “errorCode”: 401, “errorMessage”: “Forbidden”}
{“status”: false, “errorCode”: 300, “errorMessage”: “Forbidden”}

For the other actions I use an oauth token, but this does not work for the download, I tried to implement the jwt with the same credentials, but I have not been able to make it work …

Hey @cruiz666,

Double check you have allowed Cloud Recordings to be downloaded in your settings:


Hi Tom,
We have been facing issues with downloading cloud meetings, partial downloads, etc since March. Any update on that?


Hey @selva.iyyamperumal,

Please private message me one of your download urls and we will investigate.

We have had no other reports of this issue so it is most likely a bug on how you are downloading the file.


Hi Tom,
I have been reporting since March. I have been sending you all the details including download url, download token, code segment, etc. I have sent the details to developersupport@zoom.us

Thanks for the reply.

Hey @selva.iyyamperumal,

I just replied to you via your ticket to our developer support email.



I’m having the same issue as @cruiz666. Is this solved?
I use the recording.completed webhook content to get the download url. I’ve tried attaching the JWT token via query string. The response I get is:

This issue is very random and happens only for about 1 in 10 meetings (on average). Any help is appreciated.