Can we integrate Zoom Omniauth without having our app on the market place?

I am unsure wither I need to have my app on the marketplace if I want to only integrate zoom omniauth and some of the api. I only want to fetch the uid associated with the emails of the user joining my zoom calls to track when they joined the zoom calls – so I don’t really have an app for the marketplace…

I’m trying to submit the app, but I get rejected because there is no use-case really for the app

Hey @george2,

Have you considered using a JWT App instead? This will allow you to generate a JWT Token and call the API for your own Zoom account.


Hey @tommy,

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:
I need the zoom_uid of the people using my platform, as a way to track when they join my zoom meetings.
I’m not sure that JWT allows for that. My solution is for them to authenticate themselves via zoom-Oauth and at that point receive their zoom_uid.



Hey @george2,

Gotcha! Yes if you want your integration to be used by Zoom users external to your account, then OAuth is the way to go.

What is your use case so I can help you get your app published?


So we’re a coding school ( LeWagon ) and we have a private web-platform for the students, the teachers and the managers. The back-end of the platform creates each morning the zoom meetings for our teachers and send the connection infos to the teachers as well as the students, and we’re tracking when are the students joining the zoom meeting so the managers have an overview of who’s attending on time and who isn’t. The app we try to publish is called after our platform: Kitt.

Thank you for your help !


Hey @george2,

If all of your users (teachers, students, and managers) are on the same Zoom account, you don’t actually need to publish your integration. You can use your app internally to your Zoom account.

If you do want to publish it, so Zoom users outside your account can use it, just make sure you have followed the submission checklist guide! :slight_smile:


Good Morning Tommy,

So my users are not on the same zoom account. Each students use their own zoom account. That’s why we need their zoom_uid.



Hey @george2,

Gotcha! In that case, you will need to use OAuth, and publish your app to the Zoom App Marketplace. :slight_smile:


That’s what I thought.

The process seems though quite hard and confusing for the tester it seems. If your offer still stands, I could really do with some help with the application. I run into 2 problems, one the testers do not completely read the form we fill in ( where we give the email, password and link to login ), then they have problems understanding our use-case ( as we do not show to the students or the teachers our use of the zoom api .



Hey @george2,

Please resubmit your app and let me know once you do and I will work with the App Review team. :slight_smile:


Hey Tommy,

We’ve resubmitted the app. Here’s the google link of the submission.

Thank you very much for understanding our situation!



Thanks @george2!

I will get a status update for you!


Hey @george2,

It looks like you have not resubmitted your app after making the requested changes.

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help! :slight_smile:


Hey Tommy,

We’re requesting again today or tomorrow.



Just for your information, we had attached a lot of information, but can’t let a test user access our admin panels or a current class,

which seems to frustrate your testers… would you have any advice ?

Hey @george2,

Do you have a test or development environment where they can verify that the integration works?


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