Cannot update Cloud Recording Setting and get 400 response

This issue is about Cloud Recording.
Via API, I tried to update meeting recording setting, but failed with Response 400.
(Relevant URL:

After I sent an PATCH requests, then I get <Response [400]>.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
JWT. Hence I think the scope is not an issue as JWT’s scope is everything. (Am I correct?)

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:


Headers (without credentials)

headers = {
    'authorization': "Bearer WITHOUTCREDENTIALS",
    'content-type': "application/json"

(I confirmed the above header worked for “List all recordings” API task.)


httpPatchOptions = {
  "share_recording": "publicly",
  "recording_authentication": False,
  "authentication_option": None,
  "authentication_domains": None,
  "viewer_download": False,
  "password": "1#F7*X9z",
  "on_demand": False,
  "approval_type": 2,
  "send_email_to_host": False,
  "show_social_share_buttons": False
  1. See the Response 400.

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context
The header works for a diffenrent API task, hence I think there is no issue on authorization. The header is the JWT credentials.

I hereby attach the scripts of the screenshot.

zoomAPI = ""
meetingId = "w3ZSEyrzSCCwc0seSx2y6g=="

headers = {
    'authorization': "Bearer SECRET",
    'content-type': "application/json"

httpPatchOptions = {
  "share_recording": "publicly",
  "recording_authentication": False,
  "authentication_option": None,
  "authentication_domains": None,
  "viewer_download": False,
  "password": "1#F7*X9z",
  "on_demand": False,
  "approval_type": 2,
  "send_email_to_host": False,
  "show_social_share_buttons": False

recordingSettingAPI = zoomAPI + "/v2/meetings/"+ meetingId + "/recordings/settings"

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, headers=headers, json=httpPatchOptions)

print("THIS IS THE ISSUE.--->", r)

r = requests.get(recordingSettingAPI, headers=headers)
print("For your reference, I hereby prove the header itself works. This case, the response is 200 and r.text is", r.text)

Hey @Lecture_UnivT,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum.

Try removing those values or putting quotes around “None” as the API expects a string here:



Dear MaxM,

Thanks for your reply.
As you kindly advised I have just tried (deleting the following part), however

 "authentication_option": None,
 "authentication_domains": None,

the response is still
<Response [400]>
r.content is the following:

b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><error><code>300</code><message>Request Body should be a valid JSON object.</message></error>'

I tried with the following request sentences too, in vain though (all resonses were 400):

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, headers=headers, data=httpPatchOptions)

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, data=json.dumps(httpPatchOptions), headers=headers)

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, json=httpPatchOptions, headers=headers)

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, json=json.dumps(httpPatchOptions), headers=headers)

I really wish to solve this issue for the sake of my university. I am looking foward to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

Hey @Lecture_UnivT,

Thanks for getting back to me. Along with the previous change, please also change all the False values to be lowercase: false

That should be all you need.


Thanks. But it does not work yet.
I still get Response 400 after running the following code.
(As this is Python, and hence false does not work, as it would perceived as an undefined variable, and hence I put them in parentheses. )

Could you please advice me on what else I could do?

httpPatchOptions = {
  "share_recording": "publicly",
  "recording_authentication": "false",
  "viewer_download": "false",
  "password": "1#F7*X9z",
  "on_demand": "false",
  "approval_type": 2,
  "send_email_to_host": "false",
  "show_social_share_buttons": "false",
recordingSettingAPI = zoomAPI + "/v2/meetings/"+ meetingId + "/recordings/settings"

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, data=json.dumps(httpPatchOptions), headers=headers)

Hey @Lecture_UnivT,

Thanks for testing that out and for clarifying - I didn’t realize you were showing me Python code.

Would you be able to provide the output of that function so that I can check the request body directly?

I’ll use that to double check a valid request is being sent.


Hi MaxM,
Thanks for your response.

Regarding your clarifying question, the output of the json.dumps function is the following:

jsonDumped = json.dumps(httpPatchOptions)


And the printed outputs are the following:

{"share_recording": "publicly", "recording_authentication": "false", "viewer_download": "false", "password": "1#F7*X9z", "on_demand": "false", "approval_type": 2, "send_email_to_host": "false", "show_social_share_buttons": "false"}
<class 'str'>

In the next post, I will write all the Python code so that there is no missing info that I should hand in to you.

In addition to my reply above, I hereby attach the whole Python script (with an appropriate mask on the JTW thing)

import requests
import json

zoomAPI = ""
meetingId = "w3ZSEyrzSCCwc0seSx2y6g=="

headers = {
    'authorization': "Bearer THISISSECRET",
    'content-type': "application/json"

httpPatchOptions = {
  "share_recording": "publicly",
  "recording_authentication": "false",
  "viewer_download": "false",
  "password": "1#F7*X9z",
  "on_demand": "false",
  "approval_type": 2,
  "send_email_to_host": "false",
  "show_social_share_buttons": "false",

recordingSettingAPI = zoomAPI + "/v2/meetings/"+ meetingId + "/recordings/settings"
print(recordingSettingAPI, "\n")

r = requests.patch(recordingSettingAPI, data=json.dumps(httpPatchOptions), headers=headers)

jsonDumped = json.dumps(httpPatchOptions)

print("THIS IS THE ISSUE.--->", r)

The printed outputs are the following: 

{"share_recording": "publicly", "recording_authentication": "false", "viewer_download": "false", "password": "1#F7*X9z", "on_demand": "false", "approval_type": 2, "send_email_to_host": "false", "show_social_share_buttons": "false"}
<class 'str'>
THIS IS THE ISSUE.---> <Response [400]>
b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><error><code>300</code><message>Request Body should be a valid JSON object.</message></error>'

Hey @Lecture_UnivT,

Thank you for providing that information. I used the request body that you’re using but wasn’t able to see the same issue - even though boolean values are represented as strings. The request went through with a 204 response.

Please send an email to with a link to this thread. In that email, I’ll continue my efforts to reproduce the issue and set up a meeting to troubleshoot live if necessary.


Dear MaxM,
Thanks for your kind reply.
I have just sent an email to the email address.

I surely appreciate that I would get your advices via emails from now on.
Thank you very much.

Hey @Lecture_UnivT,

Great! Thank you for submitting a ticket - I’ll follow up with you there.
