Can't build Windows sdk in vs2019

I have two questions about windows SDK.

  1. base vs2019 IDE, once import zoom_sdk.h I will get compile error. It says GetVersion() function be conflict with sysinfoapi.h’s GetVersion().

    if I comment #include “zoom_sdk.h” build will be successful.
  2. base 2017 IDE, load and init Zoom’s dll, it always very slowy if it’s release build; Debug build is normally.
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for question 2, I found it’s fixed in latest SDK version v5.2.42037.1112.

for question 1, I downgrade to vs2017 and fix it.

Hey @powerguan,

Thanks for using the dev forum!
I am glad you have resolved the first issue. In regards to the second issue, the ZoomSDK only supports release builds. How have you configured your debug build?


@Michael_Condon yes, I have tried debug build. it works well