Cant Create a Video Meeting as a host

Hi, im creating a windows application, using ZoomSDK Windows…
right now im using version 12.8 and we have no problem at all…
because of the minimum requirement, i try to upgrade the version to version 13.5

when i click login button on my application, i run Oauth sequence to get

and im using
zoomuserType =ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::ZoomUserType_APIUSER

i got no error and the meeting start completely normal on 12.8
the user who is using this app, will start a meeting as a HOST…
using this :

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam startParam = {};

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam4WithoutLogin startMeetingWithoutLoginParam = {};
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.zoomuserType = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::ZoomUserType_APIUSER;
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userZAK = zakTokenWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userID = userIdWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userName = userNameWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.meetingNumber = user.personalMeetingId();

startParam.param.withoutloginStart = startMeetingWithoutLoginParam;

but in the version 13.5 above (i already try 14.5 too)
if im using the same method, the user will join a meeting as a PARTICIPANT
the point is, there are some change on the SDK, that i dont know about, and what should i add to the param so, the user will start a meeting as a Host not a participant?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [PC]
  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10]

Regards, Takei Osamu

@osamu ,

Do cross check the guide here

Alternatively, could you try upgrade to newer version of the SDK as well?

@chunsiong.zoom thank you for the reply

yes i already check the guide and its the same

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam startParam = {};

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam4WithoutLogin startMeetingWithoutLoginParam = {};
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.zoomuserType = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::ZoomUserType_APIUSER;
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userZAK = zakTokenWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userID = userIdWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userName = userNameWide.c_str();
startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.meetingNumber = user.personalMeetingId();

startParam.param.withoutloginStart = startMeetingWithoutLoginParam;

if (SDKInterfaceWrap::GetInst().IsSelectCustomizedUIMode() && m_pAppEvent)


startMeetingCallReturnValue = m_loggedInUIWorkFlow.StartMeeting(startParam);

if(startMeetingCallReturnValue == ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS)
	m_bConnectToMeeting = true;
	m_bInMeeting = false;

i got no error, and i can join the meeting, but as a participant,

on the 12.8, the meeting start with no problem as a host… and the code are the same, so i am really confused right now…

and yes, i try to use newer SDK and upgrading from 12.8 to 13.5 for the minimum requirement for this november, and i already tried the 14.5 its the same the meeting joined as a participant…

i can’t try newer version beyond that for now, because starting 14.10 Auth Param is deprecated, and i cant use directly APP key and APP secret, ill try to deal that later, but for now ill try to fulfill the minimum requirement first for this november

regards, takei osamu

@osamu ,

I’ve just tried on my windows machine, and has managed to successfully start a meeting.

  1. Get a fresh, host’s ZAK token from /users/:userId/token?type=zak&ttl=7200. I’m using POSTMAN to do so

  1. Use the below code base to start meeting.
		ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam startMeetingParam;
		startMeetingParam.userType = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDK_UT_WITHOUT_LOGIN;

		StartParam4WithoutLogin startMeetingWithoutLoginParam = startMeetingParam.param.withoutloginStart;
		startMeetingParam.userType = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDK_UT_WITHOUT_LOGIN;

		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.meetingNumber = meeting_number;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.zoomuserType = ZoomUserType_APIUSER;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userName = L"RawDataSender(VirtualCam)";
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.userZAK = L"xxxxxx.yyyyyyy.zzzzzzz";
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.customer_key = NULL;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.hDirectShareAppWnd = NULL;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.isAudioOff = true;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.isVideoOff = true;
		startMeetingWithoutLoginParam.isDirectShareDesktop = false;

		startMeetingParam.param.withoutloginStart = startMeetingWithoutLoginParam;

		//start meeting
		if ((err = meetingService->Start(startMeetingParam)) != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) ShowErrorAndExit(err);
		else std::cout << "Joining Meeting..." << std::endl;

I’m just thinking about the possibility that .c_str() might be returning something invalid?

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