Can't download chat files for Meeting web SDK in mobile's webview

We have hosted the Meeting web SDK on our server and opening it on mobile’s Webview to let users join from inside mobile app.
We are using this approach so as to keep our application’s size minimum and light. Also as we are using Flutter framework for development, we don’t have a direct implementation option.
All functionality is working fine and users can join and use the ongoing meet normally.
But we are facing issues in the chat section. User can chat and send files without issues. But when we are trying to download the files, we are not able to download it to the phone’s storage. Given all the permissions are provided to the webview properly so any file can be downloaded to the phone without problems.
What we noticed is:

  1. On clicking the download button, we are getting a blob url from the webview’s download handler.
  2. We are using a js script function which downloads file from blob urls(it is tested on other websites and working fine)
  3. On checking further and inspecting the web sdk’s source files on the webview, we noticed that these blob url are not containing the file names of the actual file from which we can get the required chat files. On clicking the download button, we are always getting different blob urls.
  4. Also on checking the network interceptions of the webview, we noticed an API call is being made to (…), which we were also able to made request to. But for this we are getting a garbage value which we can’t process further to get the data URI/base64 content of file properly.

Browser Console Error
for the blob url we are getting:
on webview’s console, it gives ‘ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND’ error.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
We are using meeting sdk version 3.1.4

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