I get this error while trying to create a meeting registrant via the API
"code": 4711,
"message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[meeting:write:master, meeting:master]."
I have meeting:master as part of my scope but cant find meeting:write:master
url = f"https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{meeting_id}/registrants"
Hi @anthonyugwu234
thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
Can you please confirm that you are trying to use the endpoint Add a meeting registrant here:
If so, you would only need the meeting:write:admin and meeting:write scopes
Hi @anthonyugwu234
Just to confirm, do you have a master account license enabled in your account?
So to be able to access the endpoint you are trying to, you will need to get a Master Account license.
Please try with this endpoint:
same even with this
Its a meeting not a webinar
So, you can not add the scope in your server to server oauth app? @anthonyugwu234
I am a little confused about what is going on .
If the issue is that you can not find the scope in your app, make sure that your role has all permissions enabled to create/edit meetings and or webinars