Can't see recording password

Hello everybody,

I could not get the recording passwords when I try to get recording details via “meetings/xxxxx” method. Do I need to put extra parameters or anything? There’s no “password” column or row in the response.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

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Thanks for your helps.

Hi @therbta,

Are you calling our GET Meeting Recordings endpoint? If so, I should note that the password for a password-protected recording will be unique from the meeting’s passcode, and is not returned via API. It will be provided in the email that is generated when your recording finishes processing, as well as in your recordings page.


Hi @will.zoom ,
Yes, I was tried to get meeting recordings and I have used that method. But we could not get the password of the recordings. Our all records are protecting via passwords. Is there a way to get that records with their passwords or another way?

Hi @therbta,

Thanks for confirming. If you’re trying to download the recording using the download_url returned in the API response, you can append an access_token to the URL to bypass the password requirement:

If you’re trying to access the playback_url returned in the API response, you will need to retrieve the recording passcode from either the email that was generated when it finished processing or the recording page in the Zoom Web Portal.


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