Captions do not appear on meeting even when getting success response from Zoom API


We have a service which provides closed-captions to Zoom meetings, using this flow.

We obtain the API Token either directly from the host, or from a participant which the host assigned to type closed-captions (“CC” role).

Most of the time this works fine, but lately many customers are reporting that the captions do not appear on the meeting.

When checking these cases in our logs we see that we get status code 200 for the captions requests, so it doesn’t look like an issue on our side.

I would be happy to provide concrete information to help investigate it further.

This is a major issue for our customers, so I would appreciate a quick help on this.



Apologies for the delayed response. For this type of support, please submit a support ticket as the forum does not have a SLA. If you are still experiencing this issue, submit a support ticket with the following details:

  • Account Number
  • Meeting IDs
  • Date & Time
  • API Request/ Response